Graves Disease

What is Grave’s disease?

Grave’s disease is an autoimmune disease that causes hyperthyroidism and can affect other organs.  It is caused by thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibodies (TRAb) that cause thyroid hormone overproduction and secretion. It can cause symptoms of hyperthyroidism and Graves’s eye disease (orbitopathy).

There are 3 treatment options for the management Grave’s disease: anti-thyroid drugs, radioiodine treatment or thyroid surgery. Your endocrinologist will discuss with you all the options. The initial management of Grave’s disease is often medical treatment of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as beta blockers for palpitations and tachycardias. Surgical management may be recommended for patients with severe hyperthyroidism, Grave’s orbitopathy, large goiters, or those that do not tolerate anti-thyroid medication. Dr Shaw offers thyroid surgery in these scenarios.